Thursday, 29 November 2012

#Storify - SIG


Lee, Pammy and Matt have begun testing the use of Storify with some classes to try to bring a host of social media resources together in one place and be used as a way of 'disrupting' current thinking and attaining higher levels.

Here is an example.

Initial thoughts suggest the ability to reach higher levels across the following criteria:

Level 8

  • Pupils independently select appropriate information sources and ICT tools for specific tasks, taking into
  • account ease of use and suitability. 
  • They take part in informed discussions about the social, economic, ethical and moral issues raised by ICT.

Level 7

  • They combine information from a variety of ICT-based and other sources for
  • presentation to different audiences. 
  • They identify the advantages and limitations of different information-handling applications. 
  • They select and use information to develop systems suited to work in a variety of contexts, translating enquiries expressed in ordinary language into the form required by the system.
  • They consider the benefits and limitations of ICT tools and information sources and of the results they produce, and they use these results to inform future judgements about the quality of their work. 
  • They make use of audience and user feedback to refine and enhance their ICT solutions. 
  • They take part in informed discussions about the use of ICT and its impact on society. 
It has been discussed that this will be utilised further from Feb on wards when Year 8 begin their storytelling unit, especially for research purposes as there is scope for detailed and 2 way feedback from peers/teachers.

Current Limitations
  • Registration of a twitter account is not necessary but indeed  useful for publicising but setting up too many from school all in one go causes Twitter to block our activity.
  • Google Chrome has to be included on the network as Internet Explorer just cannot handle the dynamic site

Increased use and then building into Google+...

Monday, 19 November 2012

HTML Tutorials

HTML_tutorial.ppt Download this file
Possible use for getting Year 8's to Level 6+...

Monday, 12 November 2012

Posting Online

Going to use this as a start with year 11 discussing what people post online etc links to SEMC 

Ping Pong...

This link might help you with questioning next week or questions for your pingpong balls?